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Here are some of the noticable members of AGN
Aliases: Mark, Alien, AlienXAXS
Mark can normally be found in Discord and in games under the handle 'AlienX'. He is the only programmer/scripter for the servers that he runs.
Mark also owns and supports the upkeep of the servers that runs this gaming network; everything from the website, to the game servers is hosted by Mark on his own hardware.
In Marks spare time he likes to do a spot of C#.NET coding as well as listen to trance/dance etc.
Aliases: Shawn
I'm Shadow, I have been residing in this plane of reality for far to long now and must return back to my own dimension soon, however while here i became a member of AGN. I've been around since its birth and now simply exsist within its grasp after becoming a loyal Administrator.
Come from the old school of games remembering classics like pong, pac man, asteroids, cannon fodder, red alert, quake, unreal and TF2. Nowadays you will find me playing fancy new RTS, FPS games and racing sims!
I'm always up for a game and a laugh just gimme a shout, ill be sat in the admin channel surveying all the light touches ;)
See you in game !
Aliases: Ian, Bert
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Scott
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Lizzie, Egg
Hi everyone! I'm Lizzie, but you can call me Egg!
I've been a part of the AGN community since 2013, after I met AlienX at a LANGeeks event. I fell in love with the warm, welcoming atmosphere, as well as the never ending banter (listen out for "babes" and "buckets")!
Predominantly a social gamer, you'll find me lurking around TeamSpeak with the Adnim Police playing a variety of games. I love a good FPS or RTS, but I am also a huge sucker for anything story-driven (TellTale and Bioware have produced some gold in the last few years). I should probably mention I’m a massive fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, and have an unhealthy collection of merchandise packed away in my loft!
When I'm not online, I'll be enjoying my other, equally weird hobby: bellringing... And, on that note, I think I'll leave! If you do want to know a little bit more about me, just drop in and say hi!
Aliases: N/A
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Opar, Joe
Sup my Dudes,
I'm Oparoax but you can call me Opa. I've been a member of AGN since October 2016, after i was abducted on the late AGN Rust Server. My Family still considers me missing and i've been trapped in this basement since my abduction.
I consider myself to be quite video game savvy and in my short existence have played a large variety of genres and styles, which has built a vast nerd library within the depths of my cranium (DEEP!). I would encourage people to become an active part in any community online as it is really redeeming to share views and experiences with like minded individuals, its also fun to actually have a coordinated team on games which require a level of communication that is difficult with randomers.
You'll usually find me on Discord or Teamspeak, being salty on a variety of games such as; Overwatch, Hearthstone, GTA V, Rust, Quake III, Renegade X or at the variety of LAN parties that AGN attend.
Please do make use of our Discord and Teamspeak, and do make sure to check out our active gaming servers.
Happy Fragging!!
Aliases: Mike
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Ollie, Scanny, Captain Cock
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: DarkShuubi
Hey, My name is Shuubi or DarkShuubi when my main name is taken ;-;! I first found AGN when I was online playing Overwatch, and nearly a year later I am still playing Overwatch, PUBG or whatever else I can get my hands on!
I love cuddly toys, walks on the beach and taking pictures of my friends when they dont realise it at all, ha! You'll know if you're playing a game with me as you'll usually hear me squeaking when getting shot at OwO!
Aliases: James, Sprig, Springit
So I'm James, but you may know me by Spring, Springit, Sprig or anything remotely offensive that might cross your mind! I've been stuck with these clowns for about 6 years, when I met AlienX on his Minecraft server "MC-Server". Since then I've played in clans and groups playing games such as Mount and Blade, Arma, DayZ and World of Warcraft... Uh oh!
Currently, I'm keen on playing games such as Rust and Arma, I enjoy tactical and team based game play as well as some chilled construction in games like Minecraft.
If you need me you can normally find me hiding in the member's channels of Discord but I'm always up for a game!
Aliases: Pirate
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Past Members
Aliases: Mike, Michael
Hi, my name is Mike but, within the AGN world, I'm Androm.
I guess I have been with AGN since its founding... I'm part of the furniture!
I'm usually up for playing most games, but I do have my favourites. A few include, TF2, Battlefield4, RenegadeX... I could go on!
In my spare time sport is my passion, mainly ice hockey and football (soccer), but I also enjoy American football and basketball.
See you around!
Aliases: Sarah
Hey there, I am Sarah. Some know me by my ingame nick of Bubbles. I've been apart of AGN since December of 2017 after I met Mark on Renegade-X.
I'm almost always online (possibly a bad thing) and I would love to chat with you. Most of my time spent online is on Overwatch, managing a Minecraft server or helping Mark manage the official AGN Renegade-X server. I am currently living in Dallas, Texas, 18 and taking a longer than necessary break from college. I do consider myself to be more of a quiet person on voice chat unless I am playing competitive Overwatch. My offline hobbies include drawing, volleyball and shopping of course!
Feel free to join up in the voice chats or invite me to a match, I am almost always ready to play!
Aliases: None
Renegade-X Server Moderator
Aliases: Paul, Grandad
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Dave, Marduke
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Jamie
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Sylvain Diatte
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Mikey, Michael
I go by many names... Dick Van Dyke, Klaus of Payne, Fritzl House (for which I got banned on Xbox Live), Mikey Casino and there are some who call me Tim (Monty Python joke)!
As a large man with an orange beard, it was inevitable that gaming would be in my genes. And after many, many years of playing video games on various platforms, I finally found a group of gamers who I didn't find highly annoying and wanted to punch in the tits. Apart from that Alien fella; his tits are ripe for a good punching!
So here I am now, a proud member of the AGN community. You'll find me on TS (probably in the Adnim channel) and having a bloody good time on the ArmA 3 Wasteland server. If I'm not there, I'll more than likely by playing one of the many F1 games or watching it on the telebox.
I also like 'romance movies'... but who doesn't, right?
Aliases: Perry
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!
Aliases: Nic, Gwandlaus, Gwand
Hey, Welcome to my bio section!
All the content you see on the website is made by me! well... three quaters of it, the rest of it is owned by their respective owners and such. When I am not designing or coding websites, I'm usually found playing online games.
You can also find me hanging around in Teamspeak most of the time, either talking, or playing games with other group members.
Please feel free to ask me anything, as long as it's nice haha! Anyway, enough about me, check the other members out!
Aliases: Shogun
This member has yet to write a bio, we are bugging them to write one though!